Wednesday, March 9, 2011

zen like mood

Normally i wouldn't post anything about bout my interesting confrontations that i have with shoplifters. They happen so often now a days it's not even post worthy. This one however stood out because this time i actually had a chance to have a true conversation with members of them. It's no mystery for anyone that works retail stories there's such a thing as O.R.C (organized retail crime). They group actually prided themselves on being the "O" in the abbreviation. With huge theives pyramid and road trips they are making a living off of being thieves.

I had been having quite regularly brushed with this team of a guy and girl to the point that they personally knew my name and how i am. I made it a point to tell them i'm an artist and i would have no problem at all drawing them if asked. Still that doesn't bother them at all because they came over and over again. Sometimes 2 or 3 times a week, almost to the point it became more of a hassell to do my job. Yet yesterday was different. The couple saw me so they didn't go directly in the store. Instead they sat on a bench outside the store and spoke to me first. I waved at them dismissingly but they took it as an opportunity to come in and confront me. I had run them and their friends out of the store so much, the guy told me that he wasn't going to bother with me today. He then wanted credit for being so clever and getting in and out without a hassel. "You have to give it to me" he kept saying but i wouldn't give him the credit of knowing my honest feelings. The thing that struck a cord with me he asked me did i hate him? i have had some horrible things do to me. People who will go un-named at this moment that are said or behaved poorly towards me. Still i gave him my honest feedback "i don't hate you, i just hate the things that you do!"
"punished is not the man himself but the evil that resides in him" - Samurai Executioner

I'm not sure if that was a zen like moment for me but that's a quote from a graphic novel. The girl proceeded to forced herself on me and asked for a hug in front of the store i imagined to show the love. I had no intent on hugging a known thief and then she attempted to kiss me on my face she only was able to get my cheek. The guy continued to tell me that he respected me and that's why he didn't steal only when i saw him. But if i didn't see him, left the sales floor, was on the other side of the store or simply had the day off that he would get what he wanted. I tried to offer a stern warning that one day, people worst than myself would be there to do more than chase him off. He continued to put down the fact that no other manager in the store would get respect but me. Yet again i tried to convince him that all (managers at the store) deserved the same respect as me. Shortly after he left to make his other rounds in the mall.

Just to further my point, later on that evening another couple that i've never seen before were shopping into our store. I was heading out and they caught my eye and my red flags went off so i waited alittle big just lingering. After doing a small circle they went out the same door and the guy said to me "Tommy, you're always working!" I didn't have a name tag on and i don't recall helping him, so how did he know my name?

My main point is hate isn't a good thing to carry around with you, especially towards a person. Various philsophies and religions prove that forgiven should be a common practice. Everyday i striving to forgive others so that when the time is right i will be forgiven for any wrong doings as well. Whether we want to believe this to be true or not: in the end, all things work themselves out.