Saturday, May 8, 2010

Take me out to the Ball Game

I'm not sure why i never really wrote about my first Texas experience. I guess i was waiting for the 2nd one to take place. Life is funny sometimes in that aspect. I promised myself after i got home from the last one and the Dallas area had record snow fall that i would not go back. No way in the world would i be there again until the dust in that area had settled down. Of course the dust didn't settle down and actually now it's getting kicked up and blown in the wind again. Still i remember there, i guess fate is guiding my hand at this moment. So when i took a picture of my converse sitting on the floor i knew it felt right. I had a feeling that i haven't had in sometime i was at home.

I have been doing a lot of things that i haven't done before this year. Earlier i went to my 1st professional basketball game and this time i went to my 1st professional baseball game. Little did i know that Texas was the windiest place on earth. So any small thing that's on the ground will be blown especially peanut shells. So as i was talking to Cara, i received my 1st peanuts at the baseball stadium. I know this is an over used term but "everything is better live." When you're at home you have no one to interact with but listen to the announcers but actually at the game you can to here everyones' mindless rambles. I got a chance to listen to chatter about how one sister got left at the ball game while the other two sisters went to a Mexican bar to drink. I listened to what true retired men do when they don't have to work anyone (so jealous). I got to experience a random guy continue to single handed cheer for the Rangers. Plus i listened to a vendor continue to say "kettle corn" in his accent until i thought he was saying "ghetto corn." I also learned a very important lesson foul ball are no joking matter. Watch out from them but because if you aren't paying attention to the game. There's a good chance that you could end up in the hospitial . Overall i had a great time and i'm not a baseball fan by any stretch. However i truly want to go back to a game again.

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