Thursday, March 4, 2010

You can wipe off the grin.....

I've been toying around with the fact why don't i write more often. Above all else i should've blogged around my amazing trip to Texas. But my attention has been elsewhere trying to fix myself while help others who i thought needed help. Somewhere this week i broke down. Unable to handle balancing act that i thought i should i let go of one of the scales to focus on own growth. It could be viewed as being selfish, odd or be just being me.
I'm a person that believe that everything happens for a reason. Yesterday as i walked in an art store to get supplies i a song was playing. These is the same song i posted my facebook page i will probe a little deeper into without giving away the whole story. Certain lines in Phil Collin's song stick out to me and the more you explain the words hopefully you will see why.

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