Monday, January 25, 2010

A Heart

i just recently came off of vacation in which i had a long time to think. I was just thinking about bills, work, art, or movies. Since i was sick laying down most the time i thought about life. Currently i have numerous single friends. Most of them like myself have various reasons for being single. Ultimately we make excuses that are ways for us to hide. I'm hiding in fear of the possibilities; what if i approach the girl and she says yes or better yet no? I find myself revisiting those thoughts again as i hear their stories of being single. Even once in a while i get hit with loneliness but overall i push those thoughts aside. My personal goals will become brought to a stand-still if i was in a relationship. Love is not another job that you clock in and clock out of but it's just something that happens.

Last Friday i found myself shaking my head as one of my female friends told me she was searching for love on Craig's List [of all places]. She's not an ugly girl by any stretch of the imagination but a lonely one. After thinking more i found myself mumbling the phrase " but aren't we all lonely?" I pose this question to everyone that is single: How can you love someone if you haven't learned to love yourself?

When i look at myself, i know that i'm single. The reason being because i chose to be so, not because i can't get a date.

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