Monday, January 18, 2010

MLK's Birthday!

Normally i don't whine or complain, better yet say anything at all but today is a little different. I awoke this morning from watching more movies that i recall previously. I was playing around on myspace when i ran across some of the more hurtful emotionally comments that i've seen in a while. Today is suppose to be Martin Luther King's birthday and it just proved the fact that in the words of Rodney King "Why can't we all just get along?" Yeah it's suppose to be the 2000's, a new millennium has started but it feels like we've left others behind. I'm not sure where the hatred popped up or became apparent but it was there. One comment stirs the melting pop while everything else inside just reacts. It's truly sad when i think back to the radio recording that i listened to coming from work. A local radio station was playing a copy of his very last speech. Even years after his words still rung clear for all to hear. It makes me wonder will my ideas, thoughts, and comments still hold weight years from now!

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