Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2 carts full of soda

This is a small scene from my uneventful evening at Walmart late Sat night. Most people call it the meeting spot because you can talk and gather with others because it's Walmart. Who really cares if you're bring your sunday best there?!
However, I'm straying away from my thoughts on this photo. These 2 guys had a basket full of soda which i assume was for their local business. They made sure by stocking up now that they were prepared for the future. There are times in life when we need to do the same thing, prepare for the future. It takes alot to leap into an area of mystery and unknown. Our ego plays tricks on us asking us if we are really ready. Other's thoughts around us question our logic.
Just as i have mumbled under my breath "did they guys really need to buy this sodas now?" only they knew why the timing was right.

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