Sunday, January 17, 2010

chinese meditation balls & destiny

My original and i guess 1st post was going to be about Chinese meditation balls. I'm not really to sure why exactly that topic. It coul be that i used to drive around with them in my old blue Neon (even though my friends called it purple). I often look toward Eastern philosophy to round out my hard edge world. So of course meditation balls seemed like a good topic. Quickly that plan was scrapped and i was lead to my current thought of destiny.
I'm more than lucky, i'm honored to have great friends supporting me. I know i keep a very narrow circle of people that i'm 110% open about everything with, i still love everyone that i come in contact with. As an artist i'm constantly put in the loop of fellow artists,writers, and poets just to exchange ideas and thoughts. I had the opportunity to read one of my friends 1st books that they wrote together. Michelle and Craig meet when they were at Old Navy and eventually got married. Over the past couple of years they gotten serious about writing a novel together especially since Craig is an English major. Without giving to much of their book away they wrote African-American grow-up story about destiny. In the end it lead me to think how many times people vision becomes so clouded that we can't see that life has a grand purpose. Life does have a purpose and we are all connected in some shape or form. It's a hard and difficult pill to swallow, when you force yourself to believe in that theory.

"oh i got a speeding ticket not just to slow me down but to make sure that life was balanced out. That years from now that i would be in the right place at the right time. "
It can be said that their book was put in front of me at the right time at the right moment when i would need it best. Very deep thought! I'll guess i'll save the meditation topic for another day.

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