Saturday, June 19, 2010

Distance and Space

This week marks my first days back to work after a lengthy vacation and i wonder am i living my dream. Yeah, i do have a job as a retail manager but how does that fit into my dream. As much as the pressure of my job cause earthquakes in my personal life. I now use my down time to gain control again. I'm try my best not to accept handouts of pity from others because when it all boils down to it. Only you control you destiny and fate, not to many people can help you out when it comes to that. Things won't ever change until i want them to.

Frustrated with the random comments on facebook i deactivate my account again. As pleasing as it might be to write a status update of "i'm having a burger" or "i'm at the beach" it is just as random as a text message out the blue. Where exactly in life or enlightenment does that follow? It's more like an US or People magazine popular stars update. The worst part is that i saw myself doing the same thing posting things like "i'm watching the game at the sports bar." Honestly does anyone really truly care? I doubt it.

Yet again i'm tighten my circle of friends and focusing the remainder of my time on my artwork. If i ever want to be taken seriously as an artist i'm going to have to put in more hours and create more pieces.

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