Friday, June 25, 2010

The King of Pop 1 year later

Today marks the anniversary of Michael Jacksons' death. I was surprised and shocked as i rode in a car full of people and received the news that he lived no more. I remember going ot my parents house and just sitting down and watching tv reports from all over the world. Seeing how people danced and sang in a public out cry over his passing. Even more so over the past year i've seen floods of t-shirts, messages as well as people playing his music.that show how much he is missed. Even though Michael is in his own category, after his passing some people has gone on to label him as "the black people's Elvis." Both men were great performer but each man had their own lane of musical talents. They are simply incomparable.
My friend Cara, had mailed me his tribute movie This is It. For obvious reasons i pushed it aside when it was first released in the movies as well on dvd. I didn't want anything that would cheapen the image of Michael. I had written it off as a last ditched attempt for some people to cash in on his death and make money. Instead i was pleased to see the working of a concert that made me want to be there. There are few performers that i would say i would love to see live, (him and Madonna being of the group) but i would've paid any amount of money to be there. The concert that they had managed and planned would have truly been something that set itself apart from the rest. From set designs, wardrobe, live band, and dancers this was a collective effort that he had a hand in. Even the taped testimonials about how his musical and creative genius touched and inspired some many people. .
Watching the movie i wanted to do something more creative with my life. I wanted to inspired someone else to do something special with their life. This blog isn't me worshiping Michael like he was a god, but i have respect for someone as dedicated to his craft as he was.

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